When I presented my eLearning voiceovers seminar at the eLearning Guild’s March 2010 conference in Orlando, I met a lot of bright, creative, super-friendly people. One of those folks was Michael Williams, who is Director of Courseware Development for a great non-profit called “e-Learning for Kids.” They run a web site of free interactive elearning for grades 1-6. The content is created by elearning professionals who generously donate their time and skills to this globally-available learning resource. The courses are colorful, fun, engaging, and 100% free. Kids don’t even have to register to take the modules. They just go to the site, choose a grade or a subject area, and dive in. I was impressed with the course samples I saw at the conference, and I’m also a big believer in educational outreach for kids. I give free readings at elementary schools twice a year for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, and also visit schools to give talks. So, I gave Michael my card, and told him to drop me a line if he ever needed voiceovers for a project.
Last week, Michael contacted me to ask if I’d be willing to create the voiceovers for a new Guided Tour they’re creating for the e-Learning for Kids web site. I said sure! I sent him a couple of sample audio files to give him an idea of the vocal timbre I thought most appropriate, and he agreed those were right on the money. We finalized the script, I laid down the tracks, and I sent the finished Mp3 files along to Michael. I included an alternate “take” of the last audio clip, with an additional “tag” that he loved, so that’s the one they’ll use in the Tour. Once the Tour is posted on their site, I’ll do another update! If you have kids, or know kids, grades 1-6, I recommend you take a look at their site. What a great free resource! Click the image to visit their site.
Hey, Michael! Thanks for your post. It was my pleasure to do the clips; it’s a great cause. I can’t wait to see the finished version! 🙂
Hi Andrew
What a pleasant surprise!!! I picked up your posting in one of my Google Alerts. It was a true pleasure working with you on this project. The Guided Tour is almost done and it’s turning out beautifully. I can’t wait to share the final product with you.
Thanks for donating your time and lending your support!!
Michael Williams MSEd, MBA, PMP
Director of Courseware Development