Catching up here; been busy onstage! Somehow we are already halfway through the run of this amazing production and this is my first post. I am so honored and grateful that Peter Amster once again asked me to be his Hercule Poirot in this absolutely stunning production. And I am grateful to Artistic Director Barry Edelstein and everyone at The Old Globe for giving me such a warm welcome.
Peter’s direction is simply incredible, equally masterful at the subtle and broad comic moments, as well as the serious and moving moments he brings out of Ken Ludwig’s wonderful adaptation thanks to a simple and stunning coup de theatre not found in the script that he introduces at the end of the play. It elevates the storytelling to a whole new level, and has left audiences deeply moved. You will not see this element in any other production of this play. And the design work from all involved is simply the finest I have ever encountered in my career. This production is simply gorgeous. The acting ensemble is a true team; we are there for each other every night, every moment, and the audience feels our commitment to each other and to the story.
So far every performance has sold out, and the thunderous standing ovations at the end of each show are both thrilling and humbling. The critics have been similarly enthusiastic. This is one of those rare productions where everything has fallen into place to create remarkable live theatre storytelling.
We have now been extended twice due to demand for tickets, but we must close on October 20th. If you are anywhere near the San Diego area, I urge you to buy a ticket for this production. I am so grateful to have had friends flying in from all over the country to see it; every one of them has said it was well worth the trip. In this production Peter and I dug even deeper into Poirot’s moral/personal crisis than we did in our prior production together, and the results are resonating with our audiences. I would love to share this production with you. If you are coming, let me know so I can say hi afterwards!

And here are some images from Opening Night and the Old Globe Gala! I was so grateful to have my husband Tim and sister-in-law Peg in the audience for our fabulous opening!