The first of the six zany web commercials I shot recently for the very creative folks at Bernard Hodes Group has just been posted on YouTube. Think 50’s sitcom on helium. They were a lot of fun to film, and everyone involved was incredibly nice as well as talented. I’ve seen the final version of all six spots, and they’re a hoot. Congrats to writer/director/editor Dewey Moss for a great job. The remaining five ads will be posted one every two weeks; I’ll add links as they appear. Each spot features me as Benny the Boss encountering a different archetypal “problem” employee and figuring out how to engage him or her on the job, to everyone’s benefit. Click the image on the right to see the video. If you enjoy it, please click “Like” on YouTube and share the link with your friends. Thanks! 🙂
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Personally, I vote for A followed by C…